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Is Owner Financing A Good Idea For The Seller In Fairfield – (707) 698-0080

If you’re thinking about selling your house and you’re wondering what your options are, perhaps you’re exploring something called “seller financing” (also called “owner financing”). Owner financing is a little-known but very effective way to sell your house. And maybe you’re wondering, is owner financing a good idea for the seller in Fairfield? That’s a … Continued

Help For Foreclosure In Fairfield – 3 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure

Few things are more devastating to families than the prospect of foreclosure. You own your home and you love it — it serves you well. Yet, due to unfortunate circumstances, foreclosure may seem imminent. For local California families facing foreclosure, the stress can be almost unbearable. Worse yet, the foreclosure process can take months or even … Continued

Can You Get Your House In Fairfield Back After Foreclosure?

If you’re facing the possibility of foreclosure in the future, perhaps you are wondering can you get your house in Fairfield back after foreclosure. After all, you need a place to live! Unfortunately, after the court rules in the favor of your lender and agrees with the lender to proceed with foreclosure, it is very … Continued
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